Thursday, May 8, 2014

Los Angeles: Round Two

Los Angeles, California

     In December of 2012, I was blessed with the opportunity to fly to Los Angeles, California to serve at the Dream Center. It was truly an experience I will never forget. I still dream of all the people I met, and I can still hear the sounds of Skid Row at night.

Skid Row, Los Angeles, California
     Well, the opportunity has come, once again, for me to serve at the Dream Center, and I'm incredibly excited. Like before, our team will serve the people of Los Angeles, Skid Row, and numerous other surrounding areas. Some of the things we will be doing will be serving on a food truck where we will pass out food; passing out clothes and food to those who cannot make it to the Dream Center; praying with people; passing out food, clothes, and other necessities on the streets of Skid Row; the need in Los Angeles is great, so there's really not a limit on what all we'll be doing while we are there.

     This letter serves two purposes:
  • One: Your prayers are not only wanted; they are definitely needed. If the Holy Spirit doesn't go before me, I don't think I would go either. You can pray for myself, the team I'll be going with (Church of the Highlands), for the city of Los Angeles, and for God's will be done in this mission.
  • Two: Donations are very welcomed. This letter serves as a support letter to welcome you into what God is doing. I pray that you do not give out of impulse; Pray first, and then give whatever God shows you. I can't promise you'll gain financial bliss or prosperity. But, what I can promise is that every dime goes to serve a purpose; and that is to touch one more life for the purpose of Christ. If you would like to donate, you can by going to Fill out the necessary information, and then "Submit." To give directly to my account, click on "Trip to Donate to," and choose "LA Dream Center - August - 8/25/2014." Once you've done that, my name will appear in the next drop down box. If you have any questions regarding how to give, please email me at
Los Angeles Dream Center
     Los Angeles has a very special place in my heart. It's a city so captivated by this culture we live in today. All they want to know is if someone still cares enough to help them out. Pastor Matthew Barnett (the founder of the Dream Center) has built his ministry around a simple quote: "Find a need and fill it; find a hurt and heal it." And, that is what our team will be able to do.

     Thank you so much for reading this. If you have any questions regarding the Dream Center, check out their website: Or, if you have any questions regarding the trip, please feel free to email me at Once again, thank you, and God bless.

Attached is just a small testimony from a few people who have went through and who serve the Dream Center.