Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Physical Faith!

     Want to know about faith? Faith is something you can't see. You don't feel it, either, nor do you taster. Faith is the belief of something that has no evidence of existence, at least from a physical standpoint. But, what if I told you that you can see faith... physically. You can see it in nature, and more than anything, in people. Here's my story:
      This past Sunday marked a HUGE moment in my life, although it may seem small for others. As I'm asleep in my bed, with my alarm set for church, my dad comes into my brother and I's room, and asked me a question I never thought he'd ask. "What time does your church service start?" I almost fell out of my bed. Was I dreaming? Pinch me. No, this is real life. My pops has always claimed to be a Christian, but had never been the one to initiate an invitation to church. After asking me the question that left me dumb-founded, he turned to my brother and told him to get up and get ready for church. "We're going to church." Seriously? IS. THIS. REAL. LIFE?? 
     Although my pops didn't go to my church that morning, he did go to his wife's church, where his father-in-law is the pastor. That's a start! 
     This leads me to my point of physical faith. From the moment my dad woke me up to the time I walked out of the door to go to my church, I SAW my dad enthusiastic, energetic, and almost like a giddy kid in a candy store. He looked... happy. His face lit up. His attitude was on top of the world. He was the definition of JOY! And, even afterwards, he told me he truly enjoyed the service (yet trying to get used to all the welcoming handshakes and hugs). 
     Physical faith is evidence that someone's life is truly changing. You see it. Others see it. It's contagious! I see my dad changing, and I see the vision I've had come one step closer to completion! Before I die, I WILL see my family serve TOGETHER in the house of the LORD!

1 comment:

  1. Love this ! Our prayers are bearings fruits bro. physical faith , i like it!
