This past weekend, I had the opportunity to counter-protest what culture has branded "America's Most Hated family." Westboro Baptist Church was in Tuscaloosa protesting the University of Alabama, stating that the tornado was God's wrath upon Tuscaloosa. They've been known to protest soldier funerals and other major events in the United States.
While I stood among other local Tuscaloosa residents, we counter protested the same way they did; by making our voices heard. Some said derogatory things while others exposed the TRUE love of God. The following words left my mouth, and pierced my own heart: "God forgave me, He can forgive you, too." As I said those words, it was as if God hit me in the face with a brick. Whoa! How many times have I lived in condemnation of my sin thinking it was too much for God to forgive? Too many times to count! The same love Westboro is searching for is the same love I found Saturday afternoon.
For those who feel condemned, God hasn't given up on you. He's longing to be with you. What good is a relationship when it's only one way? How loved would you feel if you have everything in a relationship only to get nothing back? I know we all have questions, but the answers are in the experience. Get to know God's supernatural presence, THEN work on yourself. The Scripture says to, first, submit yourself to God. That means seek FIRST the Kingdom, and His righteousness. Then, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Don't wait to get your act together first. Come to Jesus first, and allow Him to help.
God bless you all!
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