Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Third Day in New York

     Sorry for the late post of my trip. So much has been happening.

Sitting in one of the NYDC staff meetings, I learn that these people are SO passionate about this city. They have outreaches literally every single week. It's truly amazing, and I'm blessed to be a part of it. Pastor Brad Reed, the pastor of NYDC is actually at All Access right now in Dallas, so his wife, Stella, has been leading the meeting, and I can tell they have an amazing heart.

Sitting in Pastor Brad and Stella's apartment is luxury from what I've seen so far. Space is scarce in New York, and it's considered luxury if you actually have a little bit of it. The housing is so close together, it's easy to stalk someone here. Not that I am, but I have seen inside of people's houses, and privacy is not to their advantage. It's amazing that people don't even mind.

So far, I've been able to see the majority of the city. My first day here, I saw the Empire State Building, which isn't as big as it's portrayed. I also got to sit in a Hillsong NYC service, which was amazing. We were nearly turned away because there was little space. I come to find out that they actually have to use two different venues for there weekly services. Their Sunday services are in a theater in downtown Chelsea, NY, and they have about five or six services. I go to Highlands, and after two services, I need a nap! It amazes me how they handle it all.

My second day here, I saw Times Square, Ground Zero and the Freedom towers, and many more places that I can't even remember. I ate at a McDonald's in Time Square that was three stories tall. RIDICULOUS! Talk about people hungry for obesity! I'm kidding. But, it was really nice.

I've ridden in a subway for the majority of my travels. It's so sad seeing some of the people on these trains, knowing they're homeless, hungry, and just desperate for love, affection, attention, anything that they can get. Yesterday, I encountered a man on a subway, twice, begging and crying for money, food, anything that could e spared. Even begging for the smallest cent that could be given. A penny would've made the guy happy. My heart broke for this guy, knowing I had no cash, only my debit card.

I can't wait for Highlands to get to experience what I'm experiencing here. God is needed so bad in this city. I walk down the streets, and brush shoulders with complete strangers, and I instantly feel the hurt, pain, suffering, sorrow, every possible depressing thought you can think of. But, I remember this, God IS the God of this city. The Scripture says that "Blessed is the nation whose God is LORD." And, I see this City, and declare that over them.

I'm excited to see what the rest of this trip will reveal.

I miss you guys, and pray God is continuing to do thing in y'all's lives.


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