Since I've been here in New York, I haven't really been too busy. Today was my first day actually doing any type of outreach, which I loved more than anything. But, until today, I've been able to see a lot of New York, and it's made me realize a lot of things.
Honor here is not heard of. For instance, whenever I was boarding a seven train to head to our outreach, there was a very talented man playing an accordion by the tracks. The music was beautiful, and filled the air with the sound of soothing jazz. Whenever the man finished playing, no one even noticed. He looked around, expecting some sort of applause at all, but got none. It instantly broke my heart. I wanted to go over and let the guy know I enjoyed it more than he knew, but my train approached as I was heading to him. Although no one paid attention to him, he did make a little bit of money, which I think is amazing. But, money is temporary happiness.
New York is full of people looking for love and belonging. A lot of people come here expecting to live this high class life without taking in the true streets, and what is actually going on. Being in Spanish Harlem this week has made me step out in faith, and see New York for what it truly is, a place of hurt and despair.
Today, as I helped at the Chelsea outreach, some of the people there began to get heated with each other over the food we were handing out. It hit me then- these people are starving. Not in just a physical way, but in many other ways. I have grown to see the yearning these people have. Overall, the people were amazing. I got to meet a few of the people who lived in the Chelsea housings, and they were so happy and humbled. The majority of them, at least. I met one man named Philip, a Hispanic/Puerto Rican man, who had lived in Chelsea his whole life. I grew to love this man, because he had a servant's heart to reach out to his community.
Well, I don't have much else to say, but I do miss home. I hope everyone at home is having an amazing time. When this weekend comes, enjoy the Angels, and then serve whole-heartedly at church Sunday. What you're doing is setting the level for the generations behind you, so that when you do pass the torch, the plan is already clear.
I love you guys! Please continue to be in prayer for me as I roam these streets, showing the love of Christ.
You have an amazing comprehension of human nature. I'm so glad you are my gentle, loving, caring, giving, grandson. Maybe I shouldn't be so worried about you up there after all. You have wisdom that I never gave you credit for, and you're not nearly as naive as I first thought. I wish everyone had a heart like yours. Do good, Cody. We miss you, but you are having an experience that very few of us get to have and once again, you have made me so proud.